Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 14

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          energy of the film material and enables or enhances further                 
          processing, such as printing or bonding (col. 2, lines 3-11).               
          Based on this teaching and the teachings in Copley and Bradshaw,            
          the examiner has concluded that it would have been obvious to one           
          of ordinary skill in the art at the time appellants’ invention              
          was made to provide a preheating step for the disk/picture in the           
          method of formation of the medallion in Copley as modified by               
          Bradshaw so as to alter the surface energy of the disk/picture              
          material and thus enable or enhance further processing, such as             
          bonding of the protective coating of Bradshaw to the                        
          disk/picture.  We agree with the examiner.                                  

          In response to appellants’ argument (brief, page 11) that                   
          Prinz is non-analogous art, while we would agree with appellants            
          that Prinz is not within their field of endeavor in the metal               
          token minting art, we nonetheless consider that Prinz is                    
          reasonably pertinent to the problem addressed by appellants                 
          (specification, page 15) regarding a corona discharge treatment             
          of the imprinted disks (30) therein which alters the surface                
          energy of the imprinted disks so that the protective coating (40)           
          will adhere more securely thereto.  Thus, we conclude that Prinz            
          is analogous prior art and was properly considered by the                   

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