Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          endeavor relating to metal token minting, we nonetheless consider           
          this reference to be analogous prior art because it satisfies the           
          second prong of the above noted test, i.e., it is reasonably                
          pertinent to the particular problem with which appellants were              
          concerned.  More specifically, appellants were seeking to provide           
          a collectible or commemorative item that allows designs to be               
          included in many forms on the item that are unique to each                  
          promoter, advertiser or business that desires to sell or give               
          away such items, and wherein the process of manufacturing allows            
          a portion of the item to be made using traditional printing                 
          operations so that designs can be include on the item that cannot           
          be created by typical minting or casting operations                         
          (specification, page 6).  In addition, it was recognized that the           
          printed portions of such items would be subject to wear and have            
          a tendency to be scratched so that the aesthetic benefits thereof           
          would be short lived.  To solve this problem, the printed portion           
          (disk 30) was placed in a cavity (28) in the item and at least              
          the printed portion of the item was covered with a protective               
          coating so as to preserve the appearance of the printed portion             
          during use.  A review of the Bradshaw patent reveals that it                
          deals with a similar problem.                                               


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