Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 16

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          by the claims.  See In re Bascom, 230 F.2d 612, 614, 109 USPQ 98,           
          100 (CCPA 1956).  As stated by the Court in In re Keller, 642               
          F.2d 413, 425, 208 USPQ 871, 881 (CCPA 1981).                               
                   The test for obviousness is not whether the features of           
               a secondary reference may be bodily incorporated into the              
               structure of the primary reference, nor is it that the                 
               claimed invention must be expressly suggested in any one or            
               all of the references. Rather, the test is what the combined           
               teachings of the references would have suggested to those of           
               ordinary skill in the art.                                             

          Appellants’ third grouping of claims set forth on page 6 of                 
          the brief includes claims 26, 56, 92 and 128.  Each of these                
          claims is a product-by-process claim which directly references an           
          allowed method claim, i.e., respectively, allowed claims 15, 45,            
          78 and 114.  Claim 26 is directed to “The token made by the                 
          method of Claim 15.”  Claims 56, 92 and 128 are similarly                   
          directed to a token, respectively, made by the methods of claims            
          45, 78 and 114.                                                             

          Allowed claim 15 reads as follows:                                          
               15.  A method of making a token having a minted portion and            
          an imprinted portion comprising:                                            
               a) providing a metal blank having the desired metallic                 
          composition ro a token, the metal blank having a border area and            
          a center area, the ctner area including a cavity;                           


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