Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

          More particularly, Bradshaw addresses a method of making and                
          ornamenting a molded object or article of manufacture, such as a            
          cup, or other container, or a wall ornament or plaque, that                 
          includes a recessed area (17) of predetermined shape in the                 
          exterior of the article wall and a sheet (23) having a picture,             
          ornament or design thereon secured in the recessed area.  The               
          decorative sheet is then covered with a transparent plastic                 
          material snugly nested and molded into the recessed area                    
          sealingly overlying the sheet (col. 2, lines 1-12).  The                    
          transparent plastic material is initially in liquid form and is             
          flowed into the recess to fill the same and is then dried and               
          hardened to form a permanent window or lens (29) over the sheet             
          (23) having a picture, ornament or other design thereon.  Note              
          particularly, column 5, lines 27-68 of Bradshaw and column 6,               
          lines 1-49 thereof.                                                         

          Thus, we perceive the Bradshaw reference as being reasonably                
          pertinent to the particular problem with which appellants were              
          involved and conclude that it is analogous prior art.  As a                 
          further point, we note that it is well settled that in cases                
          involving relatively simple every-day mechanical concepts, like             
          those involved in the present application, it is reasonable to              

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