Ex Parte ZURAWSKI et al - Page 25

          Appeal No. 2001-0651                                                        
          Application 08/134,187                                                      

               1.  A method of making a token having a minted portion and             
          an imprinted portion comprising:                                            
               a) providing a metal blank having the desired metallic                 
          composition of a token, the metal blank having a border area and            
          a center area, the center area including a cavity;                          
               b) inserting an imprinted disk in the cavity of the token;             
               c) filling the cavity with a first protective coating in               
          liquid form and then hardening the first protective coating to              
          prevent scratching of the imprinted disk.                                   
               10.  The token made by the method of Claim 1.                          
               26.  The token made by the method of Claim 15.                         
               61.  A method of making a token having a minted portion and            
          an imprinted portion comprising:                                            
               a) providing a metal blank having the desired metallic                 
          composition for a token; the metal blank having a border area and           
          a center area, the center area including a cavity;                          
               b) inserting an imprinted disk in the cavity of the token;             
               c) preheating the imprinted disk to alter the surface energy           
          of the imprinted disk whereby a protective coating will more                
          securely adhere to the imprinted disk;                                      
               d) filling the cavity with a first protective coating in               
          liquid form to prevent scratching of the imprinted disk; and                
               e) curing the first protective coating to harden the                   
          protective coating so that the protective coating will be scratch           
               73.  The token made by the method of Claim 61.                         


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