Ex Parte Meagley et al - Page 6

             Appeal No. 2006-0367                                                                                   
             Application No. 10/353,506                                                                             

                    19. "The permanent dielectric layer may be deposited by spin coating. . . ."  Id. at            
             ll. 14-15.                                                                                             
                    20. "The sacrificial material 30 is removed through the permanent dielectric                    
             layer 36 to form the air gaps 38 as shown in FIG. 2F.  The removal of the                              
             sacrificial material is . . . accomplished by thermal decomposition and passage of one or              
             more of the decomposition products through the permanent dielectric layer 36 by                        
             diffusion."  Id. at ll. 28-33.                                                                         

                    21. Kohl does not expressly mention densifying its permanent dielectric                         
             cover 36.                                                                                              

                    22. Forester is prior art under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e).                                             

                    23. No attempt has been made to antedate Forester.                                              

                    24. Forester "relates to electron-beam processed films for microelectronics                     
             structures, such as integrated circuits ('IC').  More particularly, [its] invention relates to         
             an improvement in the method of processing such films which results in uniform, dense                  
             films, some of which also possess a low dielectric constant and a low wet etch rate."                  
             Col. 1, ll. 13-18.                                                                                     


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