Ex Parte Meagley et al - Page 8

             Appeal No. 2006-0367                                                                                   
             Application No. 10/353,506                                                                             

                    28. Chang is prior art under § 35 U.S.C. § 102(b).                                              

                    29. Chang "relates to a method for making integrated circuits on semiconductor                  
             substrates . . . using a hybrid low-k (low dielectric constant) intermetal dielectric (IMD)            
             layer that reduces the RC time delays."  Col. 1, ll. 9-14.                                             

                    30. Chang identifies a problem with porous insulators.  Specifically, "low-k                    
             insulators [that] are . . . very porous . . . do not provide good structural support for               
             integration.  Further, absorbed moisture and other chemicals in the porous insulator can               
             cause corrosion of the metal lines."  Id. at ll. 55-59.                                                

                    31. Chang solves the problem by a plasma treatment.  Specifically, a "low-k                     
             insulator 18 is plasma treated, for example, with argon or nitrogen to densify the top                 
             surface 19 of layer 18. . . ."  Col. 4, ll. 41-43.                                                     

                    32.  Because Kohl describes a semiconductor structure that includes a                           
             permanent dielectric cover 36, i.e., an insulating cover; and Change explains that                     
             plasma treatment of an insulator makes the insulator denser, and a denser insulator                    
             provides good structural support for integration and resists moisture and other                        
             chemicals that can corrode metal lines; one skilled in the art would have been motivated               

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