Ex Parte Santos et al - Page 14

                Appeal No. 2006-1817                                                                 Page 14                          
                Application No. 09/851,514                                                                                               

                to fall with independent claim 1.  As such, because we sustain the examiner’s                                            
                rejection of claim 1, we also sustain the rejection of these claims.                                                     
                V. Dependent Claim 2                                                                                                     
                        With respect to dependent claim 2, the examiner contends that Gerace                                             
                discloses the steps of “automatically identifying an inconsistency in achieving two                                      
                of said business management objectives; automatically determining a guideline for                                        
                resolving a trade-off between said two business objectives; and utilizing said                                           
                guideline in configuring said campaign plan.” (Examiner’s Answer, p. 8.)  In                                             
                support of this contention, the examiner points to col. 15, lines 10-15 of Gerace,                                       
                which describe an equation that is used to rank advertisements determined to be                                          
                appropriate to a potential customer.  The examiner also points to col. 15, lines 29-                                     
                35 of Gerace, which describes an embodiment in which the computer program                                                
                automates the weighting of criteria and in real time adjusts the intended audience                                       
                profile of advertisements using traditional regression analysis of the tracked                                           
                criteria.  (Examiner’s Answer, p. 8.)                                                                                    
                        The examiner noted, “Harhen discloses recognizing inconsistencies,                                               
                balancing business goals and objectives, and utilizing hierarchies concerning                                            
                business goals and objectives, utilizing guidelines and making recommendations.”                                         
                (Examiner’s Answer, p. 24.)  The examiner further found that Harhen teaches that                                         
                the method and apparatus of its invention has a wide range of uses outside of                                            
                strategic planning, including applicability “[w]herever multiple analytical methods                                      
                can be applied to a system to evaluate a component of the system.”  (Examiner’s                                          
                Answer, p. 27 (emphasis omitted)).  As such, the examiner rejected this dependent                                        
                claim as obvious over Gerace in view of Harhen in view of Deaton.                                                        
                        The appellants argue that claim 2 is separately patentable, because the                                          

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