Ex Parte Santos et al - Page 21

            Appeal No. 2006-1817                                              Page 21                   
            Application No. 09/851,514                                                                     

                  To summarize, for the reasons set forth above, we affirm the rejection of                
            claims 1, 2, and 4-20.                                                                         
                  No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this                  
            appeal may be extended under 37 CFR § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                                         

               NANCY J. LINCK )                                                                            
               Administrative Patent Judge )                                                               
                                                        ) BOARD OF PATENT                                  
                                                        )          APPEALS                                 
               LINDA E. HORNER )              AND                                                          
               Administrative Patent Judge )   INTERFERENCES                                               
               ANTON W. FETTING )                                                                          
               Administrative Patent Judge )                                                               

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