Ex Parte Santos et al - Page 16

                Appeal No. 2006-1817                                                                 Page 16                          
                Application No. 09/851,514                                                                                               

                the inventor, would have been led to apply the teachings of Harhen to the system                                         
                and method of Gerace in view of Deaton to make the combination recited in claim                                          
                2.  For the same reasons provided above in our discussion of claim 1, we hold that                                       
                one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention would have been                                            
                motivated to combine the art to provide more advanced modeling and, therefore,                                           
                better optimization of Gerace’s optimization system and method.                                                          
                V. Dependent Claim 4                                                                                                     
                        With respect to dependent claim 4, the examiner determined that Gerace                                           
                teaches providing a report which identifies the contradictions and resolutions.                                          
                (Examiner’s Answer, pp. 8-9.)  The examiner further determined that Harhen                                               
                discloses providing output reports of a final hypothesis, and Deaton discloses                                           
                providing automatic reports as event-driven activities.  (Examiner’s Answer, pp.                                         
                27-28.)  With respect to Harhen, the examiner points specifically to a description                                       
                of an output report that includes a summary of the evidence that was chosen as the                                       
                basis for the final hypothesis and includes a problem solution tree containing,                                          
                among other information, an explanation of the reasoning methods selected and the                                        
                reasoning methods and solutions discarded.  (Harhen, col. 46, lines 9-56.)  As such,                                     
                the examiner rejected this dependent claim as obvious over Gerace in view of                                             
                Harhen in view of Deaton.                                                                                                
                        The appellants argue that Gerace and Harhen do not teach or suggest a report                                     
                that includes an identification of the contradictions and resolutions.  Rather,                                          
                according to the appellants, the section of Gerace cited by the examiner teaches                                         
                web-based reporting that includes advertisements and other reports.  (Appellants’                                        
                Brief, p. 15 and Appellants’ Reply Brief, p. 4.)                                                                         

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