Ex Parte Santos et al - Page 17

                Appeal No. 2006-1817                                                                 Page 17                          
                Application No. 09/851,514                                                                                               

                        We disagree with the appellants’ reading of Harhen.  We find that Harhen                                         
                clearly discloses this feature of the claim, as found by the examiner, in the teaching                                   
                of an output report that includes information concerning the reasoning methods and                                       
                solutions discarded (i.e., contradiction) and reasoning methods selected (i.e.,                                          
                resolutions).  (Harhen, col. 46, lines 9-56.)  As such, we hold that a person of                                         
                ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention, possessed with the                                               
                understandings and knowledge reflected in the prior art, and motivated by the                                            
                general problem facing the inventor, would have been led to apply the teachings of                                       
                Harhen to the system and method Gerace in view of Deaton to make the                                                     
                combination recited in claim 4.                                                                                          
                VI. Dependent Claim 9                                                                                                    
                        With respect to dependent claim 9, the examiner determined that Gerace                                           
                teaches using null values in testing marketing and targeting projections.                                                
                (Examiner’s Answer, p. 28.)  As such, the examiner rejected this dependent claim                                         
                as obvious over Gerace in view of Harhen in view of Deaton.                                                              
                        The appellants argue that their specification provides a definition of the                                       
                claim term “null promotion” to mean “’a conversion that occurs without the                                               
                presentation of a promotion.’”  (Appellants’ Brief, p. 15 (quoting Specification,                                        
                page 6, lines 28-29)).  The appellants argue that Gerace “is using the word ‘null’ in                                    
                the context of performing a regression analysis” and that this concept is                                                
                “completely different” from “null promotion data” as recited in claim 9.                                                 
                (Appellants’ Reply Brief, p. 5.)                                                                                         
                        We sustain the examiner’s rejection.  As the examiner found, Gerace                                              
                suggests the use of null data in its method, and we do not see how Gerace’s                                              
                teaching of the use of null data is “completely different” as urged by appellants.                                       

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