Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 45

              Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                         
              Application 09/004,524                                                                                   
              Patent 5,483,421                                                                                         

                    We hold that the admissible rebuttal evidence generally should be limited to                       
              (1) the prosecution history of the application which matured into the patent sought                      
              to be reissued and (2) showings related to what was known by a person having                             
              ordinary skill in the art at the time an amendment was made.  Nevertheless, we will                      
              not attempt to divine, at this time, all evidence that might be relevant.  As with                       
              other issues that come before the USPTO, such as obviousness and enablement, the                         
              evidence to be presented will vary on a case-by-case basis, as will the analysis of                      
              that evidence.                                                                                           
                    “It is clear that in determining whether ‘surrender’ of subject matter has                         
              occurred, the proper inquiry is whether an objective observer viewing the                                
              prosecution history would conclude that the purpose of the patentee's amendment                          
              or argument was to overcome prior art and secure the patent.”  Kim v. Conagra                            
              Foods, Inc., 465 F.3d 1312, 1323, 80 USPQ2d 1495, 1502 (Fed. Cir. 2006).  Thus,                          
              we also hold that an applicant must show that at the time the amendment was                              
              made, an “objective observer” could not reasonably have viewed the subject matter                        
              broader than any narrowing amendment as having been surrendered (or that an                              
              “objective observer” would view the reissue claims as materially narrowed).  The                         
              showing required to be made by applicant is consistent with the public notice                            

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