Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 46

              Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                         
              Application 09/004,524                                                                                   
              Patent 5,483,421                                                                                         

              function of claims.  Nevertheless, some limited extrinsic evidence may be relevant.                      
              However, extrinsic evidence unavailable to an “objective observer” at the time of                        
              the amendment is not relevant to showing that an “objective observer” could not                          
              reasonably have viewed the subject matter as having been surrendered.  Limiting                          
              the nature of the admissible evidence is believed to be consistent with the Federal                      
              Circuit’s decision on remand following Festo II.  Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku                        
              Kogyo Kabushiki Co., 344 F.3d 1359, 1367, 68 USPQ2d 1321, 1326 (Fed. Cir.                                
              2003), cert. denied, 541 U.S. 988 (2004) (Festo III).                                                    
                    On remand, the Federal Circuit notes (Id. at 1367-70, 68 USPQ2d at 1326-                           
                    [W]e reinstate our earlier holding that a patentee’s rebuttal of the                               
                    Warner-Jenkinson presumption is restricted to the evidence in the                                  
                    prosecution history record.  Festo [I], 234 F.3d at 586 & n.6; see also                            
                    Pioneer Magnetics, 330 F.3d at 1356 (stating that only the prosecution                             
                    history record may be considered in determining whether a patentee                                 
                    has overcome the Warner-Jenkinson presumption, so as not to                                        
                    undermine the public notice function served by that record).  If the                               
                    patentee successfully establishes that the amendment was not for a                                 
                    reason of patentability, then prosecution history estoppel does not                                
                    . . . By its very nature, objective unforeseeability depends on                                    
                    underlying factual issues relating to, for example, the state of the art                           
                    and the understanding of a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the                            

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