Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 47

              Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                         
              Application 09/004,524                                                                                   
              Patent 5,483,421                                                                                         

                    art at the time of the amendment.  Therefore, in determining whether                               
                    an alleged equivalent would have been unforeseeable, a district court                              
                    may hear expert testimony and consider other extrinsic evidence                                    
                    relating to the relevant factual inquiries.                                                        
                    . . . As we have held in the Warner-Jenkinson context, that reason                                 
                    should be discernible from the prosecution history record, if the public                           
                    notice function of a patent and its prosecution history is to have                                 
                    significance.  See id. at 1356 (“Only the public record of the patent                              
                    prosecution, the prosecution history, can be a basis for [the reason for                           
                    the amendment to the claim].  Otherwise, the public notice function of                             
                    the patent record would be undermined.”); Festo [I], 234 F.3d at 586                               
                    (“In order to give due deference to public notice considerations under                             
                    the Warner-Jenkinson framework, a patent holder seeking to establish                               
                    the reason for an amendment must base his arguments solely upon the                                
                    public record of the patent’s prosecution, i.e., the patent’s prosecution                          
                    history.  To hold otherwise--that is, to allow a patent holder to rely on                          
                    evidence not in the public record to establish a reason for an                                     
                    amendment--would undermine the public notice function of the patent                                
                    record.”).  Moreover, whether an amendment was merely tangential to                                
                    an alleged equivalent necessarily requires focus on the context in                                 
                    which the amendment was made; hence the resort to the prosecution                                  
                    history.  Thus, whether the patentee has established a merely                                      
                    tangential reason for a narrowing amendment is for the court to                                    
                    determine from the prosecution history record without the                                          
                    introduction of additional evidence, except, when necessary,                                       
                    testimony from those skilled in the art as to the interpretation of that                           
                    . . . When at all possible, determination of the third rebuttal criterion                          
                    should also be limited to the prosecution history record. . . . We need                            
                    not decide now what evidence outside the prosecution history record,                               
                    if any, should be considered in determining if a patentee has met its                              
                    burden under this third rebuttal criterion.                                                        

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