Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 61

             Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                          
             Application 09/004,524                                                                                    
             Patent 5,483,421                                                                                          

             known these facts at the time the amendment was made.  Therefore, we find this                            
             evidence is inadmissible to rebut the Examiner’s prima facie case.                                        
                    Furthermore, even if admissible, Appellant Gedney’s declaration speaks of                          
             “recent developments” that occurred before the date of Appellants’ invention and                          
             before the original patent application.  Thus, the declaration supports recapture as                      
             Appellants knew these facts at the time the surrender generating amendment was                            
             made.  That is, Appellants made the amendment and presented arguments while                               
             fully cognizant of these “facts.”  Therefore, the declaration supports the                                
             Examiner’s rejection.                                                                                     
                    Additionally, the “recent developments in encapsulation technology” are not                        
             those of Appellants.  This is confirmed in Appellants’ Specification at column 8,                         
             lines 12-15, where the only disclosure of encapsulating is in reference to the Soga                       
             patent.  As stated in the declaration, it is the “higher coefficients of thermal                          
             expansion” that Appellants recognized as being made possible.  The declaration                            
             explicitly indicates this is Appellants’ contribution to the art.                                         
                    Appellants’ arguments have not rebutted the presumption, upon which the                            
             Examiner’s rejection is based, i.e., that at the time of the amendment an objective                       
             observer would reasonably have viewed the composition and CTE subject matter                              

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