Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 56

             Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                          
             Application 09/004,524                                                                                    
             Patent 5,483,421                                                                                          

                    determine whether the broader aspects of the reissued claim related to                             
                    surrendered subject matter.” Finally, the court must determine                                     
                    whether the reissued claims were materially narrowed in other                                      
                    respects to avoid the recapture rule.                                                              
             Id. at 1371, 59 USPQ2d at 1600 (internal citations omitted).  The Pannu test                              
             does not include a determination of whether or not a claim of the same scope                              
             was considered during the original prosecution.                                                           
                    Rather, the significant issue before us is whether the limitation of “an                           
             encapsulation material encapsulating said first set of solder connections”                                
             (reissue claim 21), or “encapsulating said first set of solder connections”                               
             (reissue claim 34), “materially narrows” the reissue claim so as to avoid                                 
             recapture of originally filed claims 1 and 7.  Appellants do not dispute that                             
             originally filed claims 1 and 7 were surrendered by cancellation during                                   
             prosecution of the patent application.  Appellants do not argue in the brief                              
             that the “encapsulating” limitation materially narrows the reissue claims.                                
                    Appellants also argue at page 5 of the Brief that “one must look to the                            
             claim as a whole to see what has been given up.”  We agree.  However,                                     
             based on this argument, Appellants fail to set forth any reason that                                      
             establishes that the Examiner erred with respect to the rejection.                                        

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