Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 58

             Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                          
             Application 09/004,524                                                                                    
             Patent 5,483,421                                                                                          

             We disagree.  As we discussed above, we have already concluded that the                                   
             Examiner has made out a prima facie case of recapture by establishing that the                            
             claims sought to be reissued fall within Substeps (1) or 3(a) of Step 3 of Clement.                       
             Step 1 of Clement explicitly determines whether and in what aspect any reissue                            
             claims are broader than the patent claims.  This is exactly what the Examiner has                         
             done (Finding of Fact 91):                                                                                
                     The sole issue upon which recapture depends in the instant Reissue                                
                     Application is the broadening of the patented claims of Application                               
                     '467 in aspects that were vigorously argued by the Appellants, with                               
                     agreement by the Board, as patentable over the prior art of record in                             
                     Application '467 and therefore germane to the prior art rejection[.]                              
                     Thus as we have also discussed above, we conclude the burden of persuasion                        
             has shifted to the applicant to establish that the prosecution history of the                             
             application, which matured into the patent sought to be reissued, establishes that a                      
             surrender of subject matter did not occur or that the reissue claims were materially                      
                     At pages 3-4 of the Reply Brief, Appellants cite Ball and argue “[t]he proper                     
             focus is on the scope of the claims, not on the individual feature or element                             
             purportedly given up during prosecution of the original application.”  We disagree.                       
             Appellants fail to address the later guidelines of Clement cited by the Examiner at                       

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