Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 57

             Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                          
             Application 09/004,524                                                                                    
             Patent 5,483,421                                                                                          

                    At pages 6-9 of the brief, Appellants provide a review of Ball, 729                                
             F.2d 1429, 221 USPQ 289.  Appellants then conclude without explanation at                                 
             page 9 of the brief “just as the Ball case, in the instant case the broadening                            
             aspect is not material to the error alleged.”  Appellants again fail to set forth                         
             any reason that establishes the Examiner erred with respect to the rejection.                             
                    We conclude that the Examiner has shown that the reissue claims are                                
             broader than the patent claims, has shown that the broader aspects of the reissued                        
             claim relate to surrendered subject matter, and has shown that the reissue claims                         
             are not materially narrowed in other respects to avoid the recapture rule.  Pannu,                        
             258 F.3d at 1371, 59 USPQ2d at 1600 (Fed. Cir. 2001).                                                     
                                To the Examiner’s Second Theory of the Rejection                                       
                    Appellants argue at page 2 of the Reply Brief filed November 20, 2000, that:                       
                    It is submitted that the Examiner is presenting the issue as if the                                
                    recapture doctrine relates solely to whether the claims are broader in                             
                    some aspects than the issued claims and totally ignores whether the                                
                    [reissue] claims are narrower in scope than the originally filed claims.                           
                    Thus, the examiner is presenting a recapture argument based solely on                              
                    the aspect of a broadening reissue when the claims are broader in                                  
                    some aspects and narrower in others than the issued claims allowed.                                
                    However, this is not the proper test for recapture.                                                

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