Ex Parte GEDNEY et al - Page 59

              Appeal 2006-1454                                                                                         
              Application 09/004,524                                                                                   
              Patent 5,483,421                                                                                         

              page 10 of the Examiner’s Answer entered October 19, 2000.  The court in                                 
              Clement focused on “aspects” of the claims.  Therefore, we find no error in the                          
              Examiner’s analysis based on individual elements surrendered during prosecution.                         
                     In the “Reply to Supplemental Examiner’s Answer” (“Second Reply”) filed                           
              February 18, 2005, Appellants present an Eggert based analysis and argue that in                         
              view of Eggert “it is clear that the recapture doctrine does not apply.”  As we                          
              discussed above, the majority view in Eggert is believed to be inconsistent with the                     
              subsequent binding Federal Circuit decision in North American Container with                             
              respect to the principles governing application the guidelines of Clement.                               
              Therefore, the overall result of Appellants’ Eggert analysis fails to establish that                     
              the Examiner erred.                                                                                      
                     Within the Eggert analysis at page 5 of the second Reply Brief, Appellants                        
              present specific evidence.   The ultimate point which we understand Appellants to                        
              be trying to make is that at the time of the amendment in the original patent                            
              application an objective observer would have viewed the “encapsulating”                                  
              limitation as “germane to the prior art rejection” because it is intimately related to                   
              the composition (glass filled epoxy) and CTE (coefficient) limitations added by the                      

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