Ex Parte Racanelli - Page 10

            Appeal No. 2006-2832                                                                            
            Application No. 09/833,953                                                                      

            (Examiner’s Answer, page 4).  Looking closely at Erdeljac, Figure 11, we observe                
            that field oxide region 20 clearly extends through the transistor gate region over the          
            N well and under the resistors.  The teaching of the claimed limitation “said field             
            oxide region not being situated over said well” is not within the teaching of                   
            Erdeljac, Zaccherini or Shao.                                                                   
                   The rejection of claims 1, 3 to 12 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) is thus reversed.            

            Elements of the Claim: Claims 14, 15 and 17 to 23                                               

                   Claim 14 is exemplary of this group of claims, recited supra.  Though                    
            Appellant indicates that claim 14 recites “similar limitations as independent claim             
            1” discussed above (Brief, page 16), the claim is distinguishable for                           
            reciting “depositing a polycrystalline silicon layer on a chip, said polycrystalline            
            silicon layer including a gate region and a resistor region, said gate region being             
            situated over a well and said resistor region not being situated over said well,                
            wherein said field oxide region and said well are situated in a substrate….”                    
                   Continuing the analysis used with claim 1 above, applied now to claim 14,                
            we note in Erdeljac, in Figure 11, a resistor region containing resistors 32, 34, 56            
            and transistor gate region 24 over N well 18, with the resistor region not being                

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Last modified: September 9, 2013