Ex Parte D - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                included in the Principal Brief has been waived, absent a showing of good                      
                cause.  37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(vii).                                                          

                B.    Findings of Fact                                                                         
                      The following findings of fact and any set out in the Discussion are                     
                supported by a preponderance of the evidence of record.                                        
                1.    According to D'Errico, windows that reflect infrared radiation while                     
                transmitting visible light are well known, as are such windows adapted for                     
                use as motor vehicle windshields.  (Specification at 1:11–19.)                                 
                2.    According to the Specification, "[s]uch solar screening and/or                           
                electrically conductive layered assemblies are referred to in abbreviated                      
                form . . . as 'IR reflective coating.'"  (Specification at 1:19–21.)                           
                3.    Such windows are known to include a plasticized energy absorbing                         
                interlayer that contains a sheet of a polymer such as polyvinylbutyral                         
                ("PVB") in contact with the IR reflective coating.  (Specification at 1:22-27.)                
                4.    The Specification teaches further that it is known that the bonding                      
                strength between the IR reflective coating and the PVB can weaken over                         
                time.  (Specification at 1:28–29.)                                                             
                5.    According to the inventor, providing a PVB layer having a glass                          
                transition temperature ("Tg") of 23°C or less results in an improved product                   
                having improved long term stability.  (Specification at 3:11–13.)                              
                6.    The Specification teaches that "[t]he amount of plasticizer can be                       
                adjusted to affect the glass transition temperature of the poly(vinylbutyral)                  
                sheet.  In general, higher amounts of plasticizer are added to decrease                        
                the Tg."  (Specification at 6:19–21.)                                                          


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