Ex Parte D - Page 8

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                33. Toyama issued 7 June 2005 based on U.S. application 10/220,197,                            
                which is the national stage of PCT application PCT/JP01/01620, which was                       
                filed on 2 March 2001.  (Toyama, first page.)                                                  
                34. The provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 371(c)(1), (2), and (4) were satisfied on                    
                5 November 2002.  (Toyama, first page.)                                                        
                35. The PCT application was published as WO 01/64598 on 7 September                            
                2001.  (Toyama, first page.)                                                                   
                36. EP 1,281,690 A1 ("EP 690"), the published version of European                              
                Patent Application 01908247.8, was filed 2 March 2001, based on                                
                PCT/JP01/01620, and published on 5 February 2003.5                                             
                37. Toyama describes laminated glasses that comprise a pair of glass                           
                panels sandwiching an interlayer film made of plasticized PVB.  (Toyama at                     
                38. The laminated glasses are said to be particularly suited for glazing of                    
                automobiles.  (Toyama at 1:26.)                                                                
                39. Toyama is especially concerned with improving the sound insulation                         
                performance of the laminated glass over a broad temperature range.                             
                (Toyama at 3:20–24.)                                                                           
                40. According to Toyama, the goals of the invention are achieved in a                          
                first aspect by using a blend of two polyvinylacetals having distinct                          

                5 A copy of EP 690 has been made of record and has been mailed to D'Errico                     
                along with this Decision.                                                                      

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