Ex Parte D - Page 5

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                14. The Specification presents a table in which two glass laminates, one                       
                having a PVB layer with a Tg of 18°C and the other having a PVB layer with                     
                a Tg of 30°C are compared.  (Specification at 16.)                                             
                15. After 1 and 2 year-equivalents of light exposure, the sample having                        
                the low Tg plastic layer had a PA for the glass layer in contact with the                      
                infrared reflective layer of 5.0 (starting from 6.0 before UV exposure),                       
                whereas the corresponding glass layer in the sample having the high Tg                         
                plastic layer had a PA of 1.5 (starting from 5.0).  (Specification                             
                at 15:29-16:11.)                                                                               
                16.  Interestingly, the PA for the glass on the other side of the plastic layer                
                was lower (5.0 after 1000 and 2000 hours, starting from 6.0 at 0 hours) for                    
                the low Tg assembly than for the high Tg assembly (8.0 after 1000 hours and                    
                6.5 after 2000 hours, starting from 7.5 at 0 hours).  (Specification at 16:5-6.)               
                      D'Errico 861                                                                             
                17. D'Errico 861 describes laminated glazing panels having an IR                               
                reflective coating in contact with a plasticized PVB layer.  A second layer of                 
                glass is laminated to the other side of the PVB layer to complete the glazing                  
                panel.  (D'Errico 861 at 2:41–55.)                                                             
                18. According to D'Errico 861, the adhesion between the plasticized PVB                        
                and the glass is so strong that the PVB does not absorb impact blows                           
                effectively.  (D'Errico 861 at 2:51–53.)                                                       
                19. The solution, according to D'Errico 861, was to use divalent metal                         
                salts of C1 to C8 carboxylic acids as adhesion control agents to reduce the                    


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Last modified: September 9, 2013