Ex Parte D - Page 7

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                25. The heat-wave-reflective coating is said to be photosensitive, in that                     
                after long exposure to light, the bond between the coating and the PVB sheet                   
                deteriorates.  (D'Errico 848 at 1:39–41.)                                                      
                26. In order to counteract the reduction of adhesion between the PVB                           
                sheet and the photoreactive coating, D'Errico 848 adds an epoxy resin to the                   
                PVB.  (D'Errico 848 at 2:9–14.)                                                                
                27. According to D'Errico 848, the plasticized PVB sheet containing the                        
                epoxy resin must show a PA of at least 3.0 after at least 1000 hours exposure                  
                in an accelerated aging exposure system.  (D'Errico 848 at 2:66 to 3:3.)                       
                28. The PVB resin is plasticized with about 20 to 80, more commonly                            
                25 to 45 parts plasticizer per 100 parts resin.  (D'Errico 848 at 3:57–60.)                    
                29. Esters such as dihexyl adipate are said to be commonly employed as                         
                plasticizers.  (D'Errico 848 at 3:60–67.)                                                      
                30. Results of a pummel adhesion test are reported for a control (no                           
                epoxy) and five different epoxy resins (five parts per hundred parts                           
                resin = 5 phr) dissolved in dihexyl adipate plasticizer (32 phr) and mixed                     
                with a PVB resin (D'Errico 848 at 8:8 through 9:9; particularly at 8:8–11).                    
                31. All PVB blends are said to have been satisfactory (i.e., PA of at                          
                least 3) at 0 hours.  (D'Errico 848 at 8:44-50.)                                               
                32. After 2000 hours of exposure to a xenon arc, epoxy E5 (a diepoxide of                      
                poly(oxypropylene) glycol) provided PA vales of 4 for ZnO and In2O3 heat-                      
                reflective layers, and a value of 3 for a TiO2 layer.  (D'Errico 848, Table 1                  
                at 9.)                                                                                         


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