Ex Parte D - Page 6

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                adhesion to the glass while maintaining the long term bond between the                         
                PVB sheet and the IR reflective coating.  (D'Errico 861 at 2:53-3:21.)                         
                20. D'Errico 861 refers to, and incorporates by reference U.S. Patent                          
                5,013,779 to Fariss et al., which is commonly assigned to Monsanto Co., for                    
                its description, at column 3, line 23 through column 4, line 15, of appropriate                
                PVB resins and plasticizers in the general amount of 15 to 50, preferably 25                   
                to 40 parts plasticizer to 100 parts PVB resin (779 patent  at 3:34-36).                       
                (D'Errico 861 at 3:45-51.)                                                                     
                21. D'Errico 861 describes subjecting laminates to a source of intense UV                      
                radiation—2000 hours is said to be "about equal to two years of intense                        
                sunlight exposure as might be encountered in Arizona" (D'Errico 861                            
                at 4:46-49)—followed by administering a Pummel Adhesion Test.                                  
                (id. at 4:65–5:15.)                                                                            
                22. D'Errico 861 Example 2 shows results for a laminate having a PVB                           
                resin with 33 parts dihexyl adipate plasticizer and 0.427 parts magnesium                      
                2-ethyl butyrate.  (D'Errico 861 at 6:20–26.)                                                  
                23. The following pummel adhesion results were reported for the glass on                       
                the IR reflective side as a function of hours of UV exposure: 6(0), 5(100),                    
                4(100), 6(1000), 5(2000); while PA results for the glass on the other side of                  
                the PVB "were at all times between 3 and 6."  (D'Errico 861 at 6:42–50.)                       
                      D'Errico 848                                                                             
                24. D'Errico 848 describes glass laminates comprising a heat-wave-                             
                reflective coating and an impact-dissipating plasticized PVB sheet for                         
                windshields and similar applications.  (D'Errico 848 at 1:10–17.)                              


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