Ex Parte D - Page 4

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                7.    According to the Specification, "[i]n various embodiments of polymer                     
                sheets of the present invention, the polymer sheets can comprise 10 to 90,                     
                15 to 85, 20 to 60, 25 to 60, 20 to 80, 25 to 70, and 25 to 60 parts plasticizer               
                per one hundred parts of resins."  (Specification at 6:13–15.)                                 
                8.    The Specification indicates that any suitable method can be used to                      
                produce the polymer sheets of the invention and that details of the methods                    
                are well known to those skilled in the art.  (Specification at 11:10–12.)                      
                9.    Moreover, the Specification indicates that any suitable plasticizer can                  
                be used.  (Specification at 12:3-4.)                                                           
                10. According to the Specification, long term stability can be measured by                     
                subjecting a laminated glass sample to a source of intense UV radiation from                   
                any of several commercially available units and then administering the                         
                Pummel Adhesion Test.  (Specification at 8:18–26.)                                             
                11. The Specification teaches that in the Pummel Adhesion Test, "[t]he                         
                laminates are cooled to about -17°C (0°F) and manually pummeled with a                         
                hammer to break the glass."  (Specification at 13:22–26.)                                      
                12. The glass that remains adhered to the PVB  sheet is visually compared                      
                with a set of standards and a pummel adhesion ("PA") value is assigned.                        
                When no glass remains adhered, the PA value is zero; when all the glass                        
                remains, the PA value is 10.  (Specification at 13:27 to 14:1.)                                
                13. According to the Specification, laminated glass panels of the present                      
                invention have a PA of "at least three, at least 5, at least 8, at least 9, or 10."            
                (Specification at 14:1–3.)                                                                     


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