Ex Parte D - Page 17

                Appeal 2007-3412                                                                               
                Application 10/832,450                                                                         
                an ITO vapor-deposited heat ray-reflecting glass instead of a float glass in a                 
                laminated glass sandwich and a resin of PVB with 39 weight parts per                           
                hundred of plasticizer used, yielding a maximum tan δ at 8o C (FF 48).                         
                Anticipation is the epitome of obviousness, In re May, 574 F.2d 1082, 1089,                    
                197 USPQ 601, 607 (CCPA 1978), and evidence of unexpected results is                           
                irrelevant if a claimed invention has been anticipated, In re Malagari, 499                    
                F.2d 1297, 1302, 182 USPQ 549, 553 (CCPA 1974).                                                

                D.    Summary                                                                                  
                      In view of the record and the foregoing considerations, it is                            
                             ORDERED that the rejection of claims 1–7 and 9–21 under 35                        
                U.S.C. § 103(a) in view of the combined teachings of D'Errico 861, D'Errico                    
                848, and Toyama is AFFIRMED.                                                                   
                             FURTHER ORDERED that the time for taking further action is                        
                not extendable under the provisions of 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(2006).                             

                enc:  Toyama EP 1 281 690 A1, published 5 February 2003.                                       
                reference against D'Errico's 450 application, having been published on 5                       
                February 2003.  We shall not exalt form over substance by insisting that the                   
                analysis rest on the EP disclosure.                                                            

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