A. Alaska's Motion for Leave to File a Counterclaim.
The motion of the State of Alaska for leave to file a counterclaim is granted.
B. The Federal-State Boundary Marking the Seaward Extent of the State of Alaska's Submerged Lands Act Grant.
1. Except as provided in Paragraph C below, as against the State of Alaska and all persons claiming under it, the United States has exclusive rights to explore the area lying seaward of the line described in Exhibit A hereof and to exploit the natural resources of said area. The State of Alaska is not entitled to any interest in such lands, minerals, and resources, except as may be provided by � 8(g) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 67 Stat. 468, 43 U. S. C. � 1337(g), and Paragraph C of this Decree. The State of Alaska, its privies, assigns, lessees, and other persons claiming under it are hereby enjoined from interfering with the rights of the United States in such lands, minerals, and resources.
2. Except as provided in Paragraph C below and except within the boundaries of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and subject to the exceptions set out in � 5 of the Submerged Lands Act, 67 Stat. 32, 43 U. S. C. � 1313, as against the United States and all persons claiming under it, the State of Alaska has exclusive rights to explore the area lying shoreward of the line described in Exhibit A hereof and to exploit the natural resources of said area. The United States is not entitled to any interest in such lands, minerals, and resources except as may be provided by Paragraph C of this Decree. The United States, its privies, assigns, lessees, and other persons claiming under it are hereby enjoined from interfering with the rights of the State of Alaska in such lands, minerals, and resources.
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