Ex parte KURTH - Page 11

          Appeal No. 93-4005                                                           
          Application 07/795,158                                                       

                    22. With respect to autolysis, Babayan indicates the               
          following (page 132--emphasis added except for names of                      
          microorganisms; references to publications deleted):                         
                    In the process of autolysis the cell wall in                       
               most yeasts undergoes only certain structural                           
               modifications; however, its completeness is                             
               retained, this being observed also at the end of the                    
               process, and the cytoplasmatic material gradually                       
               diffuses into the extra-cellular space.  This kind                      
               of autolysis ("endo-type") in yeasts is similar to                      
               that in Bac. subtilis described by Koga and Kusaka,                     
               who observed hollow cells (shadows).  In both cases,                    
               autolysis begins with CPM [i.e., cytoplasmatic                          
               membrane,] degradation.                                                 
                    However, autolysis in certain fungi, e.g. in                       
               Schizophyllum commune, is found to involve both CPM and                 
               the cell wall degradation, explained by the highly active               
               endo- and exo-glucanases in these organisms.                            
                    Autolysis depends on the culture age and the                       
               physiological conditions in the cell.  Proliferating                    
               culture cells autolyse quicker and to a high degree than                

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