Ex parte SWOBODA et al. - Page 16

          Appeal No. 94-3053                                                          
          Application 07/832,661                                                      

                    Aside from the above claim language for claim 60,                 
          Appellants have chosen not to argue any of the other spe-                   
          cific limitations as a basis for patentability.  37 CFR                     
          § 1.192(c)(6)(iv) states:                                                   
                    For each rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103, the                       
                    argument shall specify the errors in the                          
                    rejection and, if appropriate, the specific                       
                    limitations in the rejected claims which                          
                    are not described in the prior art relied                         
                    on in the rejection, and shall explain how                        
                    such limitations render the claimed subject                       

                    unobvious over the prior art.  If the                             
                    rejection is based upon a combination of                          
                    references, the argument shall explain why                        
                    the references, taken as a whole, do not                          
                    suggest the claimed subject matter, and                           
                    shall include, as may be appropriate, an                          
                    explanation of why features disclosed in                          
                    one reference may not properly be                                 
                    combined with features disclosed in another                       
                    reference.  A general argument that all the                       
                    limitations are not described in a single                         
                    reference does not satisfy the requirements                       
                    of this paragraph.                                                
          Just as our reviewing Court is not under any burden to raise                
          and consider issues not raised by an Appellant, Baxter, 952                 
          F.2d at 391, 21 USPQ2d at 1285, this board is also not under                

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