Ex parte ONG - Page 18

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

             The patent to Mazzali (Figures 1 and 3) pertains to a non-               
        volatile buried bit-line EPROM device including a plurality of                
        memory cells.  More specifically, there are a plurality of                    
        doped spaced apart source and drain areas shown in Figure 3 as                
        elements 2 and 3, respectively.  The grown field oxide areas                  
        are represented by elements 5 and 7.  The grown tunnel oxide                  
        layer is indicated by elements 4 and 6.  Elements 9 in Figure 3               
        correspond to the formed floating gate members.  The formed                   
        insulating layer is represented by element 14 and the formed                  
        control gate layer is represented by element 15, both of which                
        are shown in Figure 3.  Thus, Mazzali teaches the claimed                     
        invention except for: (1) using a monocrystalline silicon                     
        material for the substrate and (2) the step of forming the                    
        floating gate members subsequent to forming the plurality of                  
        source areas and the plurality of drain areas.                                
             At the outset, we note that the use of a monocrystalline                 
        silicon for the material of the substrate represented the                     
        state-of-the-art in the buried bit-line EPROM device art at the               
        time of the appellant’s invention.  This position is further                  
        supported by both Guterman and Woo described below.                           


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