Ex parte ONG - Page 19

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

             The Guterman patent is from the same field of endeavor as                
        the instant application and the patent to Mazzali.  The                       
        Guterman patent informs us (column 2, lines 36 through 40 and                 
        column 3, lines 66 through 68) that, long before the invention                
        by the appellant, in the art of EPROM’s, it was known to use a                
        monocrystalline silicon material for the substrate and it was                 
        also known to form the source/drain regions prior to the                      
        formation of the floating gate layer.                                         
             The patent to Woo is also from the same field of endeavor                
        as the instant application and the disclosures of Mazzali and                 
        Guterman.  Woo teaches (column 4, line 8) that others in the                  
        art recognized using monocrystalline silicon for the material                 
        of the substrate.  Furthermore, Woo suggests (paragraph                       
        bridging columns 3 and 4) to the artisan that it is immaterial                
        whether the floating gate layer is formed before or after the                 
        source/drain regions.                                                         
             Thus, applying the test for obviousness  from a combined5                                
        consideration of the applied teachings, this panel of the Board               
        determines that it would have been obvious to one having                      

               The test for obviousness is what the combined teachings of references5                                                                     
          would have suggested to one of ordinary skill in the art.  See In re Young, 
          927 F.2d 588, 591, 18 USPQ2d 1089, 1091 (Fed. Cir. 1991) and In re Keller, 642
          F.2d 413, 425, 208 USPQ 871, 881 (CCPA 1981).                               

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