Ex parte ONG - Page 16

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

        formation of the source/drain regions and the floating gate.                  
        However, we will not attempt to speculate as to whether                       
        Hosokawa `872 teaches forming the floating gate before or after               
        the source/drain.  We simply recognize that neither Hosokawa                  
        `872 nor Hosokawa `874 provides adequate disclosures to                       
        conclude in what order the floating gate and source/drain                     
        regions are formed on the substrate.                                          
             The declarant/appellant states in paragraph 10 of the                    
        declaration that:                                                             
                  “I am not aware of any single cell device,                          
                  such as that depicted in Hosokawa, which does                       
                  not employ a self-aligned process.  Non-self-                       
                  aligned processes are not manufacturable for                        
                  single cell devices using current                                   
                  semiconductor technology because of alignment                       
                  problems....” (emphasis added).                                     
             The examiner fails to present any arguments to refute the                
        declarant’s position that non-self-aligned processes are not                  
        manufacturable for single cell devices using current                          
        semiconductor technology.   Accordingly, absent evidence to the               
        contrary, we are persuaded by the declarant’s/appellant’s                     
        statement in paragraph 10 of the declaration.  We have                        
        considered the evidence of obviousness and have weighed such                  
        evidence of obviousness against the evidence of nonobviousness.               

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