Ex parte ONG - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

         We maintain that the disclosure of  Hosokawa `872 is completely              
         lacking with respect to setting forth the order of formation of              
         the floating gate and the source/drain regions.                              
              Claims 1-5, 10 and 11 have been further rejected as being               
         unpatentable over Hosokawa `874.  This patent is likewise                    
         stated by the examiner to meet the step of forming the floating              
         gate subsequent to the formation of the source/drain regions.                
         To the extent of what is disclosed in Hosokawa `874, this                    
         patent appears to be no more than cumulative to the disclosure               
         in Hosokawa `872.  We find no teaching in Hosokawa `874 of the               
         order of the steps as defined in claims 1-5, 10 and 11, nor do               
         we find any suggestion that this order of steps would produce                
         an unexpected result.  We note that the patent to Chen and the               
         teachings of Wolf fail to overcome the deficiencies pointed to               
         in Hosokawa `872 and Hosokawa `874.                                          
                            II.  Secondary Considerations                             
              The appellant’s response to the examiner’s rejection is                 
         twofold.  In addition to presenting the arguments addressed                  
         above, appellant’s rely upon the declaration submitted pursuant              
         to the provisions of 37 CFR § 1.132.  In considering this                    
         evidence, we are mindful of our obligation to weigh the entire               

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