Ex parte ONG - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

         Chen would not have suggested to one of ordinary skill in the                
         art the obviousness of the invention set forth in claims 1-5,                
         10 and 11.  Accordingly, we reverse.                                         
              Our analysis begins with the fact that in rejecting claims              
         under 35 U.S.C. § 103, it is incumbent upon the examiner to                  
         establish a factual basis to support the legal conclusion of                 
         obviousness.  See In re Fine, 837 F.2d 1071, 1075, 5 USPQ2d                  
         1596, 1600 (Fed. Cir. 1988).  We note that to establish the                  
         prima facie obviousness of a claimed invention, all of the                   
         claimed limitations must be taught or suggested by the prior                 
         art.  See In re Royka, 490 F.2d 981, 984, 180 USPQ 580, 583                  
         (CCPA 1974).  Here, the examiner determines (Answer, pages 3                 
         and 4) that the disclosure of Hosokawa `872 teaches all of the               
         features of the claimed invention except the limitations of                  
         "forming an array of electrically erasable non-volatile memory               
         devices" and a semiconductor substrate that is formed from “...              
         a monocrystalline silicon layer....”                                         
              The examiner takes Official Notice with respect to the                  
         limitation of forming an array of electrically erasable non-                 
         volatile memory devices.                                                     


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