Ex parte ONG - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

               Claim 1 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and                  

          reads as follows:                                                           

          1.  A method of forming an array of electrically erasable non-              
          volatile memory devices on a semiconductor substrate including              
          a monocrystalline silicon layer comprising the steps of:                    
               doping spaced-apart first regions with dopant of a type                
          opposite that of the monocrystalline silicon layer to form a                
          plurality of source areas and a plurality of drain areas, said              
          source areas and said drain areas spaced apart;                             
               growing field oxide areas over the first regions;                      
               growing a tunnel oxide layer between the field oxide                   
          areas, the tunnel oxide lying over a plurality of second                    
          regions, the second regions lying between the first regions;                
               forming a plurality of floating gate members, wherein at               
          least a portion of the floating gate members is formed                      
          subsequent to the formation of the plurality of source areas                
          and the plurality of drain areas, wherein the portion of the                
          floating gate members formed subsequent to the formation of                 
          the plurality of source areas and the plurality of drain areas              
          overlaps a portion of the source areas and a portion of the                 
          drain areas thereby forming a floating gate-to-source overlap               
          and a floating gate-to-drain overlap, respectively, wherein                 
          the floating gate-to-source overlap is less than the floating               
          gate-to-drain overlap for the portion as formed;                            
               forming an insulating layer over the floating gate                     
          members; and                                                                
               forming a patterned control gate layer.                                


               1Our understanding of the Japanese documents is derived from a reading 
          of the translations prepared for the Patent and Trademark Office.  Copies of
          the translations are attached.                                              

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