Ex parte ONG - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

          an Amendment After Final (paper number 15), claim 1 was                     


               In general terms, the invention pertains to the                        

          fabrication of electrically programmable read only memory                   

          (EPROM) devices.  The present invention illustrates a method                

          of making an EPROM device such that a floating gate member                  

          asymmetrically overlaps a portion of a buried source region                 

          and a buried drain region.  The method includes forming a                   

          floating gate member such that the floating gate-to-source                  

          overlap is shorter than the floating gate-to-drain overlap                  

          thus creating a device with shorter erase times and shorter                 

          read and programming times.  The method further requires that               

          those portions of the floating gate members that form the                   

          floating gate-to-source overlap and the floating gate-to-drain              

          overlap are formed subsequent to the formation of the                       

          plurality of source and drain regions.                                      


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