Ex parte ONG - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

               The prior art relied upon by the examiner as evidence of               
          obviousness are:                                                            
          Hosokawa (Hosokawa `872)      JP59-229872  Dec. 24, 1984                    
          Hosokawa (Hosokawa `874)      JP59-229874  Dec. 24, 1984                    
          Chen                               EP 0,373,698        Jun. 20,             
          Wolf et al. (Wolf), "Silicon Processing For The VLSI ERA,"                  
          Vol. 1, Published by Lattice Press, Sunset Beach, California,               
          1986, pages 1-5. (hereafter Wolf)2                                          
               The following three new references applied by this panel               
          of the Board in a new ground of rejection infra are:                        
          Guterman et al. (Guterman)   4,317,273       Mar. 2, 1982                   
          Mazzali                      5,028,979      Jul.  2, 1991                   
          Woo                          5,147,813      Sep. 15, 1992                   
                              (effective filing date Aug. 15, 1990)                   

               The following rejections are before us for review;                     
               Claims 1-5, 10 and 11 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 (a) as being               
          unpatentable over Hosokawa (JP59-229872) in view of Chen.                   

               The examiner relied on Wolf in a new ground of rejection presented in2                                                                     
          the Examiner’s Answer mailed May 29, 1996; however, we note that the examiner
          failed to list Wolf in the section labeled                                  

          “New Prior Art” (section 10) of the Examiner’s Answer.                      

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