Ex parte ONG - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

         examiner has failed to establish that the process of forming                 
         the source and drain before the formation of the floating gate               
         represented a conventionally-known technique at the time of the              
         invention by the appellant.  Further, the examiner has failed                
         to provide any motivation why one skilled in the art would be                
         driven to form the source and drain prior to the floating gate.              

              The examiner draws our attention to a certain passage                   
         (Answer, page 7) in Hosokawa `872 that states that 'the                      
         floating gate region (4) ... are formed in such a way that they              
         will be stretched across the source region (2) and drain region              
         (3) ...'  (Answer page 7)(emphasis added).  From this passage,               
         the examiner contends that the implication is that the floating              
         gate is formed subsequent to the source/drain.  In response,                 
         the appellant asserts (Brief, pages 5 and 6) that the phrase                 
         “they will be stretched across the source region (2) and drain               
         region (3)...” represents the future tense and therefore,                    
         Hosokawa `872 forms the source and drain regions asymmetrically              
         subsequent to the formation of the floating gate.  Here, we are              
         not persuaded by the examiner’s or the appellant’s arguments.                


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