Ex parte ONG - Page 15

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

        appellant’s argument, strenuously made here, is that the self-                
        alignment process forms the floating gate prior to formation of               
        the diffusion regions.                                                        
             In rebuttal, the examiner asserts (Answer, page 9) that                  
        Hosokawa `872 teaches two embodiments to form the source/drain                
        regions and since only one figure is provided, one embodiment                 
        may not be represented by a figure.  The examiner insists that                
        the second embodiment in Hosokawa `872 makes it perfectly clear               
        that the source and drain regions are formed before the                       
        floating gate (Answer, page 9).  In response, the appellant                   
        (Reply brief, page 3) correctly notes that the examiner failed                
        to provide any explanation as to why the order of formation is                
        so clear from the referenced passage in Hosokawa `872.  The                   
        examiner goes on to argue that the relationship of the center                 
        of the source/drain with respect to the center of the floating                
        gate fails to disclose anything about the order of processing                 
        of the source/drain and floating gate.  Based on the totality                 
        of evidence in the record surrounding the teachings of Hosokawa               
        `872, we note that there appears to have been a great deal of                 
        speculation on the part of both the examiner and the appellant                
        with respect to the teachings of Hosokawa `872 and the order of               


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