Ex parte ONG - Page 20

          Appeal No. 1997-2041                                                        
          Application No. 08/337,131                                                  

        ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention by the                 
        appellant, to modify the EPROM device taught by Mazzali by                    
        using the state-of-the-art monocrystalline silicon material for               
        the substrate and by forming the source/drain regions prior to                
        forming the floating gate layer, as taught in column 2 of                     
        Guterman and columns 3 and 4 of Woo.  In our opinion, the                     
        incentive for forming the source/drain regions prior to the                   
        formation of the floating gate is explicitly taught in Guterman               
        which teaches that forming the source/drain regions prior to                  
        the floating gate layer allows one to use the thick oxide that                
        covers the source/drain region as the mask, rather than relying               
        upon the polysilion layer as the mask to define the floating                  
        gate members.  The instructions in the paragraph bridging                     
        columns 3 and 4 of Woo guide the artisan to the fact that the                 
        order of formation of the floating gate with respect to the                   
        formation of the source/drain does not change the resulting                   
        structure and that the floating gate could be formed either                   
        before or after the source/drain regions.  We note that there                 
        is no evidence presented by the appellant in the instant record               
        which indicates that the particular order of the steps produces               
        unexpected results or results differing in any way from those                 


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