CHEUNG et al vs. RITZDORF et al - Page 30

                Interference No. 105,113                                                                                                      

                         The 1 June 1998 filing date of the provisional application predates the 1 November 1998                              
                conception date alleged in Cheung's preliminary statement.16  Preliminary Motion 1 is therefore                               
                dismissed as moot with respect to Ritzdorf's '783 application, filed 4 February 1998.                                         
                         Because Cheung's preliminary statement fails to allege a date of invention prior to the                              
                1 June 1998 benefit date of Ritzdorf's provisional application, judgment on the issue of priority is                          
                being entered against Cheung's involved claims and in favor of Ritzdorf's claims in the                                       
                accompanying "Judgment -- Rule 640."17                                                                                        
                         E.  Summary                                                                                                          
                         In the accompanying "Judgment -- Rule 640," judgment being entered (a) against                                       
                Cheung's involved claims 1-5 and 10-14 on the ground that Ritzdorf has prevailed on the issue of                              

                16  Paper No. 29.                                                                                                             
                17  Judgment on priority is being entered pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.640 because it rests on the                                  
                failure of Cheung's preliminary statement to allege date of invention prior to Ritzdorf's                                     
                1 June 1998 benefit date, a ground for judgment given in § 1.640(d)(3).  Issuance of a show                                   
                cause order under § 1.640 is unnecessary, however, since the question of Ritzdorf's benefit has                               
                been argued at an oral hearing and is the subject of this panel decision.                                                     
                                                                   - 30 -                                                                     

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