Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          sometimes, instead of running a query on the database itself, a             
          part of that database will be copied to another location and the            
          query will be run on that copy.  The copy is known as a “view.”             
          Concurrency becomes important to ensure that different parties,             
          using different copies, will deal with consistent data, i.e., the           
          “concurrency” of the data must be maintained.                               
               In order to provide concurrency, the instant invention                 
          employs a “locking” technique, i.e., access is blocked to certain           
          data so that only one party at a time can modify the locked data.           
          When a process seeks to generate a “view,” that process                     
          identifies the data of interest within the database.  That data             
          is termed a “tuple.”  The process requests a lock on the tuple.             
          Responsive to this request, another process will lock not only              
          the tuple, but also a “superset” of the tuple.  A “superset” is a           
          set which contains the tuple, but also contains additional data,            
          or tuples.                                                                  

               Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:           
               1.  A system, comprising:                                              
               a database;                                                            
               means for generating views of the database, said views                 
          containing view tuples; and                                                 


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