Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 12

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          pointed to no error in the examiner’s reasoning.  For example,              
          appellants contend that the claim requires the maintenance to be            
          performed on a “set of views in the read set” but does not show             
          why the IBM/Colby combination is not deemed to perform the                  
          maintenance on a set of views in the read set.                              
               Claims 8-10 fall with claims 1, 4 and 7 in accordance with             
          appellants’ statement at page 29 of the principal brief.                    
               Independent claims 11 and 12 comprise limitations similar to           
          those discussed supra and the rejection of these claims is                  
          sustained for the reasons supra.                                            
               With regard to claims 13 and 14, appellants argue that these           
          claims require that a transaction is aborted if a “condition”               
          occurs, namely that a warning is issued, and that the warning is            
          only issued under certain circumstances.  Appellants assert that            
          the mere existence of the process of aborting in IBM is                     
          insufficient to show these conditional relationships (principal             
          brief-page 33).  The “warning” in IBM would be the disclosure               
          that “if any subcollection of triples is already locked, the                
          locking request is refused and locks already acquired are freed”            
          (i.e., the lock is aborted, as claimed).                                    
               Claims 15, 16 and 18-24 contain limitations which have been            
          discussed supra and, for those reasons, we will also sustain the            

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