Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 13

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          rejection of these claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                            

               With regard to claims 3 and 17, the examiner adds Reiter to            
          IBM and Colby.  Reiter is used to show a “dependency graph,” as             
          recited in claim 3.  Appellants argue that that dependency graph            
          is not used to “ascertain” the members of the “superset” and that           
          the examiner has not shown that this “ascertainment” is of                  
          dependency “between the view containing the target view tuple and           
          the base data.”                                                             
               We agree with appellants as to the limitations of claims 3             
          and 17.  While Reiter does, indeed, disclose a “dependency                  
          graph,” we find no reason for the artisan to have combined this             
          teaching of Reiter with anything in IBM to result in ascertaining           
          members of a superset by the use of a dependency graph between              
          the view containing the target view tuple and the base data.                
               The rationale for the combination stated by the examiner, to           
          wit, “because of Reiter’s taught advantage of a dependency graphs           
          (sic), providing IBM a way to ascertain related tuple                       
          collections,” is unconvincing.  We find no evidence that would              
          have led the artisan to conclude that there was any advantage in            
          applying a dependency graph in IBM nor is it clear to us why or             
          how the artisan would have applied such a dependency graph in               

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