Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 11

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          set” in IBM would appear to be the (x, ?, ?) triples.                       

               With regard to claim 5, appellants argue that the instant              
          claimed invention requires that the transaction T locks a subset            
          of the read set BEFORE processing certain operations (page 27 of            
          the principal brief).  We do not find anything different in the             
          IBM disclosure and appellants have not pointed to anything                  
          contrary in the IBM reference.                                              
               With regard to claim 6, appellants argue that the examiner             
          has not shown that a “subset” contains “all base data members of            
          the read set.”  It appears to us that a subset (x, y, z) would              
          contain all base members of the read set (x, ?, ?), where x is a            
          “base member.”  Appellants have not demonstrated anything to the            
          contrary.  Merely pointing out what a claim recites and alleging            
          that the applied references do not disclose this limitation fails           
          to show error on the part of the examiner’s rationale.                      
               With regard to claim 7, appellants argue that Colby does not           
          show the “maintenance” claimed because the claim requires the               
          maintenance to be performed on a “set of views in the read set.”            
          Again, appellants merely recite claim language and assert that it           
          is not shown in the references.  However, the examiner has                  
          explained how/why the references are combined and appellants have           

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