Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          suggests both read and write locks, which are both common and               
          known tools for preserving database data integrity (IBM near                
          bottom; compare with claim 1 “means for detecting issuance of a             
          read-lock-request for a target view tuple”)” (answer-page 4).               
               With regard to the claim limitation “in response...,” the              
          examiner alleges “in response to a lock request of a record, a              
          collection (superset) of tuples factored into a number of sub               
          collections are locked, in addition to locking said record (IBM             
          at middle; compare with claim 1 “in response, locking tuples in             
          the database which include a superset of tuples from which a                
          target view tuple is derived”)” (answer-page 4).                            
               We will sustain the rejection of claims 1, 2, 4-16 and 18-28           
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 because, in our view, the examiner has set            
          forth a prima facie case of obviousness which has not been                  
          successfully rebutted by appellants.                                        
               Initially, we note that it is our view that Colby is merely            
          cumulative to what is already suggested by IBM.  That is, while             
          the examiner relies on Colby for a teaching of “views” of a                 
          database, IBM already implicitly discloses such “views.”                    
          Appellants have defined a “view” as being a part of a database              
          which is copied to another location and appellants have defined a           
          “tuple” as being data of interest within the database (presumably           

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