Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          is not persuasive.                                                          

               With regard to claim 2, appellants argue that IBM does not             
          show the claimed “wherein the superset is limited to a derivation           
          set of the target view tuple.”  We disagree.  As explained supra,           
          the superset in IBM includes those tuples of the form (x, ?, ?).            
          It is clear that the target view tuple (x, y, z) is a derivation            
          of the broader (x, ?, ?) tuples constituting the “superset.”                
               With regard to claim 4, appellants argue that this claim               
          requires a transaction T to issue the read-lock-request and that            
          prior to the issuance of the request, the transaction T declares            
          a read set which contains all data to be read by transaction T.             
          It is appellants’ view that the applied references do not suggest           
          this limitation.  We disagree.  As explained by the examiner, at            
          pages 4-5 of the answer, IBM discloses a transaction which,                 
          subsequent to a record locking attempt, reads a set of related              
          sub collection of triples (x, ?, ?) to see if any triples are               
          already locked, and if none are locked, a lock request is issued            
          to complete the record locking attempt.                                     
               Appellants argue, at page 25 of the reply brief, that the              
          examiner may have shown that an independent transaction has                 
          occurred but that claim 4 requires the “read set.”  The “read               

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