Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          world, giving, as an example, triples which represent record                
          structures, where each triple takes the form (key, relationship             
          name, attribute field).  In discussing triple locking, IBM states           
          that this is achieved by passing to a lock manager only the x               
          component of a triple, and that this “effectively locks all                 
          triples of the form (x, ?, ?), since locking requests for any               
          triples of this form cannot be distinguished.”  Thus, it is clear           
          to us that in locking the triple, or tuple, IBM also locks all              
          triples belonging to the set of triples of the form (x, ?, ?).              
          Since the triple of interest, (x, y, z) is derived from the set             
          of triples (x, ?, ?), i.e., (x, ?, ?) is the “superset” of                  
          triples, or tuples, from which the target view triple (x, y, z)             
          is derived, the instant claim language is met.                              
               Appellants argue that the set (x, ?, ?) is not a “superset”            
          of tuples from which the target view tuple is derived but that              
          the set (x, ?, ?) merely describes other tuples which are part of           
          the same set to which the target view tuple (x, y, z) belongs but           
          that these other tuples are not a “superset” of the target view             
          tuple.  Appellants give the example of being in a crowd in a                
          building with other people, contending that a man in that crowd             
          may be locked in the building with other people but the other               
          people do not comprise a “superset” of the man.  The analogy is             

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