Ex Parte LIEUWEN et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2003-1062                                                        
          Application No. 09/004,265                                                  

          within the view) (See pages 2-3 of the principal brief).  Since             
          IBM is concerned with “triples,”1 and it is clear that triples,             
          or tuples, are merely data of interest in a “view,” there is                
          clearly an implied generation of “views” of the database within             
          IBM, and these “views” contain view tuples, or view triples.                
               Having said that, we find it unnecessary to address                    
          appellants’ argument that the references are not combinable since           
          Colby, albeit cumulative to IBM, is not even necessary for the              
          rejection, in our view.                                                     
               Appellants argue that the references do not disclose the               
          claimed locking of a “superset of tuples” since IBM explicitly              
          states that “a superset of the necessary triples is held by the             
          accessing application, while only a subset of the necessary                 
          triples is explicitly locked.”  Accordingly, appellants conclude            
          that a “superset of tuples” is not locked in IBM.                           
               We disagree.  A “superset” is merely “a set which contains             
          the tuple, but additional data, or tuples” (principal brief-page            
          3).  IBM goes on to explain that a triple, or tuple, is defined             
          in general by the form (x, y, z), where x, y, and z are                     
          identifiers of database elements which name entities in the real            

               1It is clear that IBM’s “triples” are identical to                     
          appellants’ “tuples” Appellants do not dispute this.                        

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